Thursday, July 5, 2012

See yah later Cedar Rapids!

(all my clothes for 21 days in Europe!)

(all packed and ready!)

While the Pegsters and I don't leave for Dublin until the 12th, I have already left Iowa for the month.

Today, my parents, my younger bro, and I flew out to Washington DC to visit my older bro. We're sort of turning the visit into a family vacation by doing all the typical DC touristy stuff and then going onto NY. Everyone in the fam except for my youngest brother, Sam, has been to DC- so I've taken it upon myself to make sure he see's it all! This evening, while my parents were settling into our hotel room (which is just 2 blocks from the white house!!) sam and I ventured around for a bit and went to see the white house and the Washington monument!

Afterwards we all went out for dinner with my older brother at some French place where i tried mussels for the first (and last) time.

( After trying the mussels I decided to go with something a little less French....)

My family will stay in DC until tuesday and then we will all head out to NY. On the 11th Peggy will fly out to NY and meet up with my family and together we will set off on our European trek! Just 6(ish) more days!

- Posted from my iPhone

Location:Washington DC

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